I wanted to write a post about delayed gratification. I think, as an overarching concept, delayed gratification is incredibly strong, and I wondered– how do…

Do you believe in the power of attraction? The ability to simply believe in the things you want, to think about them and allow the…

You most likely have never been in the weeds. If you haven’t worked in food service for extended periods of time, let me explain it…

Is it easier to be happy or unhappy? Should being happy take effort? Is there beauty in the struggle to be happy? Is there beauty…

It does not sleep. It does not take breaks. It doesn’t forget, it doesn’t forgive, and it certainly doesn’t exist. Of course I’m talking about…

We talked about novelty a few posts ago– how do we inject it into our lives. How do we make more days where we remember…

Full disclosure: I am not a game developer. MUD stands for Multi User Dungeon. MUD’s are basically multiplayer text adventures, often bearing similarities to early…

I hate to phone in a post so early. After all it’s only been a couple days. How could I possibly be slacking now. I…

Quite a few animals can perceive time. Goldfish. Humans. Bees. We as humans, obviously experience it. On the scale of a human lifetime it often…