
Woah. Meta. Alright– this iteration of my personal blog started earlier this May, as a random one off challenge with a friend. He’s likely the…

Ok. I know what you’re thinking. “McDonalds is disgusting.” Hear me out– that’s your ego talking. That’s you virtue signaling that you don’t like unhealthy…

There’s nothing more tech-boi than quoting philosophy. As if they’re the first people to discover Stoicism. No blog would be replete without some good ol…

An unwanted task Time slips away like dry sand Procrastination

Soccer is called the beautiful game. A move in chess can be beautiful. Millions around the world flock to their favorite competition. Fighting, football of…

There was a time in my life when I cared very deeply about being social. Making friends, being the life of the party, being ‘cool’.…